Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Still No Pictures

I have lots of cute pictures to post, but blogger is still on the blink.

Elvis weighs over six lbs and is growing so fast. He is such a chow hound. He will try to eat anything, but I don't let him have any 'people' food except chicken or a little cheese now and then. If he sees me in the kitchen cooking, he sniffs at the oven. Or he will watch my every move, just so he doesn't miss out on a tasty morsel.

Elvis' brother, Marty came for a visit last week. They immediately started sniffing one another. Then the race was on! They ran a played the entire day. I wonder if they remembered they were brothers? Marty is smaller that Elvis but barks and growls more. I took some cute pictures. Hopefully, one day my blogger malfunction will magically be corrected and I will be able to post them.

Life with Elvis continues to be a fun adventure!
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