Monday, February 27, 2006

Puppy School Days

We went to our first puppy class tonight. As the other puppies began to arrive Elvis got a little nervous. There are nine other puppies of various breeds in the class. Elvis is one of the smallest dogs, so when he saw the labs he ran the other way. This was his first time to see so many dogs at one time, which is one reason I wanted him to take the class. He needs to be able to socialize with other dogs.
Elvis is such a smart puppy! He is learning to walk on a leash, sit and stay and to 'look' on command. He's a handsome, friendly little boy. He greeted everyone with a smile, except for the huge chocolate lab who barked loudly and tried to run amok the entire time. This dog a little too old for the class and is totally out of control. The instructor was trying to be diplomatic, but she obviously was distracted by him.
This 'doggie business' is still new to me, but I love it. I amazes me how many people have dogs and other animals. I can't believe it took me this long to appreciate how special a pet can be. I can't imagine not having Elvis!
Speaking of Elvis, he wants to play chase, so I'd better go wear him out so he'll sleep tonight!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Soaking up the Sun

After having a bath Elvis warmed himself in a sunny spot by the kitchen window. After a rainy, damp week we were both glad to see the sunshine.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wild Thang!!

Play time with Mom....I love it when she tickles my tummy, but I REALLY love attacking her fluffy black house shoes. I hang on for dear life while she drags me around, then I pull the shoe off and run away with it.

Sharp Dressed Man

Is this cape cute or what? I made it from a tan fleece fabric, edged in animal print.

Somebody Help Me !

I thought Elvis might enjoy riding around in this smart looking doggie tote. The first time in he promptly tried to escape. After being encouraged with a treat he stayed put while we made a practice run around the house.
He starts his puppy class at Petco on Monday evening. Won't he look cool arriving in this sharp looking bag? I love the bright green geometric design.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Beauty Shop Dog

Friday was a cloudy, dreary day. I hated to leave Elvis home alone all day, so I took him to work with me. My client who is undergoing chemo had been wanting to see him and I knew that my other clients would also enjoy meeting him. We packed up his kennel, some toys and food and off we the world of hair.
Elvis loves everyone and greeted each person who walked in the door with equal enthusiasm.
One sweet lady who was visiting from Louisiana is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. Her eyes lit up when she saw Elvis. He sat with her and her daughter in law while she was under the hair dryer.
Each person that came left with a smile on their face. Elvis just has that effect on people.

After work we stopped by a friends house. She has a male and female yorkie. I took Elvis in on his leash so he wouldn't run all over the place. Chip, the male yorkie immediately walked up to him and growled in his face. Elvis dropped to the floor in submission and yelped. Chip didn't hurt him, he just wanted to let him know who was the alpha male in that house! After that brief encounter Chip went on about his business and left Elvis alone. Live and learn, little puppy.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Pampered Pooch

Look at this rotten dog making himself comfortable all snuggled up in my robe. He's on the bed so I could watch him while getting ready for work. I was just trying to keep him from pilfering any more of my....ummm, you know!

Panty Raid !!

Well, the inevitable finally happened. I caught Elvis trying to make off with a pair of my unmentionables. Look at that guilt-ridden face! He wasn't willing to give them up without a fight either. I had to pry them from his teeth. Nasty little dog....naaasty!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Nice Kitty

This stuffed animal is bigger than the little weinerschnitzel, but he didn't waste any time planning his attack!
Killer Macho Puppy! I had to pull him off before he ripped the poor tiger to shreds!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yep, I'm Cute Alright!

Elvis climbed up on the suitcase that I haven't put away since returning from Florida last month. He must have dragged the pj's out of it, too. Then he caught a glimpse of himself in the full length mirror. He saw my reflection and just couldn't figure it out. Luckily, my camera was close by. I love the way he blends right in with all my animal print stuff.

Well Puppy Check-Up

Yikes! What's she going to do to me? Is it going to hurt? So, this is why I had to have a bath at the crack of dawn this morning!

Getting a puppy pedicure Waiting for the shot, but I didn't cry one bit.

At 2 1/2 months old I weigh 4lbs. 2oz.

Dr.Clara cleaned out my ears and checked my teeth. I have a slight overbite, but that just makes me cuter!

I'm just a happy, healthy little weenie dog.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Caught in the Act

Why do puppies like to play with smelly sneakers?

Hey, anybody in there?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Justa Chewin'

Look at those sharp puppy teeth! I gave Elvis this rawhide chew bone recently and he loves it.

My Private Quarters

One day when Elvis was home alone he drug his teddy bear and chew toy along with this old Christmas sock into his kennel.
How cozy!

Ummm..This ain't my bed?

The 'King' was sleeping in on this cold Sunday morning, so when I went to see about him he opened those big puppy eyes and looked at me as if to say ' Aw, is it time to get up already?'

What is This Thing?!

Elvis wasn't too keen on being harnessed and leashed, but after a few minutes he seemed resigned to having it on. Later, we went out side for a practice run. With a little work, we should be walking all over the neighborhood by spring.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happiness IS a Warm Puppy!

Elvis is such a smart, fun little puppy dog. Every day is a new adventure. He is eager to learn and loves to play. He is learning to fetch his pink ball and play hide and seek. He also likes to burrow in a blanket and find his way out. Daschunds were once used by farmers to burrow into badger holes and kill them. He certainly tries to 'kill' his teddy bear!
When he sees us eating, he whines and jumps, begging for a bite. I'm sure he has never had people food, but he sure wants a taste. I accidentally dropped a crumb of popcorn on the floor and he jumped on it and scarfed it up!
The 'potty training' is going Ok, too. For such a young pup, he's doing pretty well.
Charlie Brown was right..... Happiness truly is a warm puppy! In the short time that he has been here, this precious little spirit has brought such joy to this house. I almost can't imagine life without him! I have always tolerated dogs, never really feeling the need to have one of my own, but Elvis has not only changed my mind, he has changed my heart.
Well, Elvis wants to have his nightly romp through the house! Whew! I'm tired, but who can resist that cute puppy face?

Exploring His World

Learning to play fetch.

We spread some white sand in a low area in the back yard. Elvis loves to play in it.

This little hound dog loves to sniff and dig.
Elvis climbed up and peered over the back of the sofa, looking for me.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Nap Time

All snuggled up on the sofa.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bath Time

Elvis did not enjoy his bath. These were taken before he got lathered up. We had a bit of a struggle once he was in the water. I'ts hard to take pictures while holding on to a wet, soapy puppy!

Yeah, I'm baaad!

My mommy gave me this teddy bear so I wouldn't be lonely. Ha! I'm trying to rip his ear off!

What can I say? I'm the King!

I rule this house, see. I have a maid and a butler. My wish is their command. Who could resist this face, anyway?

The little scamp is lying on his back trying to chew underneath the sofa. What a cute , freckled tummy!

Getting a drink of water after running and playing. Check out the placemat. Very cool!

What's Happening, bro?

Elvis and Marty, nose to nose. It looks like Elvis is asking Marty, 'Where in the world are we?'

We had just brought the two little guys home. They were probably wondering where the rest of their brothers and sisters were. Marty cried all the way home, but Elvis layed on my shoulder and just looked around.

This is Elvis

Elvis' first night at his new home. I gave him this teddy bear so he wouldn't miss his brother, Marty too much. Marty lives with my son and his family.

Elvis is a blue dapple mini daschund. He was born Dec. 6, 2005. He probably weighs 2-3 lbs, but will grow to about 8 lbs. He is a sweet, smart little guy and I look forward to lots happy times with him.